Unconventional Reservoirs

At a glance…
  • Reserves Assessment
  • Fracture Design and Evaluation
  • Decline Curves
  • Production/Deliverability Evaluation


Our Field Development Planning Workflow

Our experts in emerging plays are constantly aware of new knowledge and innovations, enabling us to help our clients develop new unconventional plays by providing the most accurate evaluations and assessments of their resources, both deterministic and stochastic.

Building on our strong unconventional subsurface experience, we provide a one-stop solution from scoping level to full feasibility studies that can help you optimize your field development decisions.

We have worked on both shale gas and liquid reservoirs

  • We have developed production prediction tools (Shale Reservoir Predictive Model – SRPM) specific for unconventional reservoirs (see e.g. SPE 148491).  Utility of SRPM is demonstrated in matching production from various plays e.g. Eagle Ford, Marcellus, Bakken, Barnett etc.  SRPM can also provide extent of Stimulated Rock Volume (SRV) as a matching parameter.
  • We have provided contents to develop a workflow to analyze unconventional plays from start to finish.  We have then applied this workflow to analyze Montney Shale.
  • We use state of the art fracture modeling tools (GOHFER, MSHALE, MFRAC) to design and post-mortem fracture conductivity and length in the multi stage fracture environment.
  • We can use either reservoir simulators (e.g. SPE 132093) or semi-analytic tools (e.g. Fekete-Harmony) to analyze decline trends and multi-well interferences.