
ActiveReservoir (originally SiteLark LLC) was established in 2004 to provide petroleum engineering consulting to both domestic and international clients.  AR is actively engaged in developing and applying Machine Language algorithms to extract hidden and counter-intuitive insights in datasets in different facets of the industry and prescribing solutions to improve profitability.  Our experienced experts have demonstrated through many projects that they listen, understand and devise solutions in a timely and professional manner.  We provide services in the following areas:

Case Study I — Systematic Approach to Completion and Exploitation — Vertical Well Study

Case Study II — Systematic Approach to Completion and Exploitation – Horizontal Well Study

Workflow for Hydraulic Fracture Modeling and Unconventional Resources Field Development

Oil & Gas Property Evaluation and Reserves Assessment Reservoir Management
  • Oil & Gas Property Evaluations
  • Acquisition and divestiture studies and advice
  • Reserves assessment, audits and certifications
  • Resource studies
  • Due dilligence reviews
  • Corporate advisory services
  • Field Development Planning
  • Integrated Studies
  • Reservoir Modeling
  • Production Diagnostics and Surveillance
  • Waterflood Analysis
  • EOR Screening and Design
  • Conformance Screening and Design
Petroleum Engineering Unconventional Reservoirs
  • Nodal and Network Analysis
  • PTA and RTA
  • De-Bottleneck Studies
  • Fluid Characterization
  • Reserves Assessment
  • Fracture Design and Evaluation
  • Decline Curves
  • Production/Deliverability Evaluation
Expert Witness Training
  • Property Valuation
  • Equity Distribution
  • Unitization and Lease Boundary Disputes
  • Waterflood Optimization
  • Advanced Reservoir Engineering
  • Gas Reservoir Engineering
  • Unconventional Reservoir Engineering
  • Reservoir Simulation

Our typical clients are:

  • Independent oil and gas companies
  • Majors
  • NOCs
  • Banks
  • Oil and gas investors
  • Attorneys and law firms practicing in oil and gas related disputes and mediations
  • Government Agencies

Our projects are in the following countries:

USA, Canada, Argentina, Ecuador, Columbia, UK, Libya, Oman, UAE, Saudi Arabia, India, Australia, Malaysia, Indonesia