
ActiveReservoir finds the answers you need in order to make better reservoir development decisions. We extract and integrate available data to deliver field development plans, enrich reservoir simulation models, build predictive models for unconventional gas and perform a variety of solutions-targeted engineering studies.

We help customers find the most effective solutions for their project by applying powerful modeling technologies to available reservoir data. Whether the solution is IOR, conformance, remediation, acidizing, or other technologies, AR’s experienced engineers have the multidisciplinary expertise to maximize your return on investment.

Oil & Gas Property Evaluation and Reserves Assessment Reservoir Management
  • Oil & Gas Property Evaluations
  • Acquisition and divestiture studies and advice
  • Reserves assessment, audits and certifications
  • Resource studies
  • Due dilligence reviews
  • Corporate advisory services

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  • Field Development Planning
  • Integrated Studies
  • Reservoir Modeling
  • Production Diagnostics and Surveillance
  • Waterflood Analysis
  • EOR Screening and Design
  • Conformance Screening and Design

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Petroleum Engineering Unconventional Reservoirs
  • Nodal and Network Analysis
  • PTA and RTA
  • De-Bottleneck Studies
  • Fluid Characterization

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  • Reserves Assessment
  • Fracture Design and Evaluation
  • Decline Curves
  • Production/Deliverability Evaluation

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Expert Witness Training
  • Property Valuation
  • Equity Distribution
  • Unitization and Lease Boundary Disputes
  • Waterflood Optimization
  • Advanced Reservoir Engineering
  • Gas Reservoir Engineering
  • Unconventional Reservoir Engineering
  • Reservoir Simulation